This is the current homepage of the UW Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar. The seminar will be held on Thursdays at 3:00PM in PDL C-401 during the Winter 2025 quarter. The goal of the seminar is to foster engagement with modern research in algebraic geometry (broadly interpreted) and provide a forum for graduate students to present and discuss aspects of their work and readings. The seminar will also feature some talks by faculty in the department. If you would like to give a talk or have any questions, please contact Daniel Rostamloo (rostam[at]uw[dot]edu) or use the link on the homepage of this website.

Talks for the Winter 2025 Quarter


The seminar was founded in Fall 2023 by Arkamouli Debnath, who also organized it through Fall 2024. The old seminar homepage can be found here. Starting in January 2025, it will be organized by yours truly.